Addiction is not only a disease of the individual. It's a disease that impacts the whole family, especially siblings. Our team can provide guidance on how to give and get support during this difficult time.
Surviving a sibling’s addiction can be overwhelming and disastrous. Generally, people are closer to and more competitive with, their siblings than any other relative. They usually share DNA, upbringing, and family culture as well as a relational bond that is unique to siblings.
When an addiction overtakes a sibling, others may:
Here are some ways to make your own health and well-being a priority:
Just saying “no” can help encourage the addict to also make changes. You may tell your sibling “I love you but I will no longer be there to bail you out.” Stop paying their bills, giving them cash, or lying to cover for them. Offer assistance in getting into rehab, but set limits on phone calls and text messages to get yourself off the emotional roller coaster.
Overpowering emotions can take over your life. It may be a call from the police during the night or finding your credit card missing. Every incident adds to your anxiety. You need to find ways to bring peace into your life, even if for short periods of time. Walks, movies, exercise, or dinner out with friends can all help so your nervous system is not constantly on edge.
The relationship with your sibling is not what you expected it to be. Additionally, some of your own plans and hopes might have been destroyed by the disease. By allowing yourself to grieve, you can begin to accept the loss, let go of unhealthy attachments, and move on. Then you can create something for yourself, and maybe someday with your sibling.
You have probably spent a lot of time worrying, watching, and trying to help your sibling. It’s now time to redirect that energy to yourself. This could include attending a support group like Al-Anon, talking to a friend, or seeing a therapist. Some siblings find that they need to limit contact with their addicted loved ones while they work on their own recovery.
It’s important for your own healing to hold on to the hope that someday you’ll be able to repair the break that addiction has caused between you and your sibling. Whether they get help or not, you can stay hopeful while still making sure you’re as healthy as you can be.
Your brother or sister may have broken your heart. Intense feelings of anger, distrust, and many other sensations may cloud your judgment. Therefore, it might take a while to get past the pain but you can keep it from taking you over. This puts you in the best place to get what you want for your life and also the relationship you’ve hoped for with your sibling.
If your sibling had cancer, you wouldn’t even consider deserting them. The same is true of a sibling with the disease of addiction. It’s normal to want to help a drug addict sibling. But the wish to help can change into an inability to turn away from the turmoil. In your attempt to regain peace and order, you might actually end up enabling them and become entangled in their constant life disasters.
Some of the signs of codependency are:
For someone who loves an addict, one of the biggest traps is having to constantly do damage control. Making excuses for your sibling, calling the boss when they can’t make it to work, and giving financial support only enable the disease to go forward.
Until the addict has to deal with the consequences of their actions, they will continue their behavior. Although you love your brother or sister, you have to let go of the fantasy that you can control their situation. You need to focus on what you can control–your own life.
You have a special relationship with your sibling that no one else has. This relationship has some disadvantages, but it also has some advantages. This may be challenging for individuals If you have already tried to help them get off drugs or alcohol.
The first step toward achieving recovery is to reach out to one of the rehabs in WV that can get you on the track to recovery. Our admissions team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Give us a call today!
Contact Us TodayAnother issue is the age difference from one sibling to the next. Closeness in age can help in getting your brother or sister to get help for a substance abuse problem. On the other hand, if your sibling is older than you, they may see themselves as your protector, your senior, your big brother or sister.
Unfortunately, having a younger sibling with a substance abuse problem can have problems too. They may be more rebellious and demand that you back off. They could feel that you are trying to be a mom or dad and treating them like a child. The important thing to remember is that there will always be challenges, whether your sibling is older or younger than you. The important factor is to be persistent.
If you need to deal with a drug addict sister, there are a few factors to consider:
Instead of blaming them, try to steer the conversation to your feelings and how their addiction affects you. You may be able to get them to go to a therapist with you.
Don’t let them stall you to think it over. Be prepared to consult with a treatment program as soon as they see that dysfunction is occurring. This is critical because recovery starts as soon as they decide to accept treatment.
Threats to someone addicted to drugs or alcohol can be dangerous. They may feel fear and panic and become aggressive. Support and suggestions for help won’t have any effect if the relationship turns negative.
A non-starter. Just don’t bother. Plan to talk early in the day or whenever you know they are less likely to be using.
Addiction is a serious disease and you should treat it that way.
Roots of Addiction in Families
Unsettled childhood trauma is often at the top of the list of factors that influence addiction. It can affect siblings differently and occur at different stages of life. Examples are an older sibling who may have had more exposure to an addicted or abusive parent, or the younger sibling who didn’t have the ability to cope with it and ended up being more traumatized. This can make one sibling more likely to use drugs or alcohol to deal with the pain of the trauma.
Some studies have discovered that impulsivity is passed along through genes. Impulsivity is an emotional or behavioral self-control problem. In fact, sensation-seeking can run in families. Recent studies of brain scans of cocaine addicts and their non-addicted siblings found that both had a tendency to have a lack of self-control.
Researchers are still looking for the answers as to why one got addicted and not the other. However, it does appear that the non-addicted sibling is less likely to struggle with cravings and to have the ability to recover from difficulties not shared by their addicted sibling.
The final lesson for siblings of addicts or alcoholics is to never give up on helping your brother or sister overcome their struggle with addiction. This is very important because you only lose when you give up and you don’t want to lose this struggle.
Even though your first attempt at helping them might fail, you need to understand that most addicts do actually want help but they are too involved in their addiction to realize it.
The fact is, using drugs or alcohol is a way to solve a problem. They don’t have the skills or ability to deal with it and drugs solve the problem for them. Even if it’s only temporary.
As a sibling, you are in a position to show them that there is hope and a way to deal with problems without drugs or alcohol and free from addiction. The main point is to always remember to never stop trying
If you have a sibling with a drug or alcohol addiction, you don’t need to look any further than Harmony Ridge in West Virginia. Harmony Ridge has several levels of care including a sober living facility. This means that we help our clients every step of the way.
Our therapists are Master’s Level Certified Addiction Specialists, some with real-life personal experience with addiction. We have the knowledge, experience, and compassion to help people turn their lives around. We can help your family member too. Contact us today. You have questions and we are happy to answer.
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