
Rebuilding Trust After Addiction

Harmony Ridge Recovery Center in West Virginia can help you rebuild trust after addiction with guidance and unwavering support.


During an addiction, an individual with a substance use disorder can lose a lot of things. They can lose the grip they have on their physical and emotional health. Many people who struggle with an addiction may also lose their financial stability by spending a lot of money on substances or through other risky financial ventures. Another thing that is often lost during addiction is trust. Unfortunately, rebuilding trust after addiction can be difficult.

For many individuals, rebuilding trust after addiction is important. During active addiction, many behaviors can contribute to a loss of trust. Often, the addicted individual will lie, steal, or destroy trust in many other ways. In many cases, the addiction itself is a breach of trust.

Once in recovery, you may realize that it is necessary to rebuild trust with your loved ones due to your behavior whilst in the throws of addiction. Trust is not an easy thing to earn back once it is lost. This is why we have put together some ways for you to reconnect with those closest to you. With time, patience, and effort, rebuilding trust after addiction is something that anyone can accomplish.

The Importance of Rebuilding Trust after Addiction


A strong recovery requires a few different things. These include resolving emotional issues, creating a healthy lifestyle, and—in many cases—rebuilding trust after addiction. Humans are social creatures. This is obvious when you consider how we socialize and the many ways we find to socialize: family events, social media, and holidays.

When recovering from addiction, healthy socialization and the development of a network of support are essential. This can be the difference between having someone to turn to when recovery feels difficult or turning back to drugs to cope. Many people also find that feelings of loneliness are not helpful when recovering and may cause a relapse.

Often, people think that self-care and health are solely linked to emotional health. However, your emotional and psychological health also play a huge role in your recovery. The emotional benefits of connecting with loved ones can help support your recovery and keep you from returning to drugs or alcohol.

Rebuilding Trust After Addiction

Tips for Rebuilding Trust After Addiction


Facing the people in your life whom you have lost the trust is not easy. You may find that this is a difficult task to accomplish without guidance. If you are struggling to rebuild trust after addiction, here are a few things that can make the process easier:

  • Make a plan: Without a clear plan, it can be difficult to know where to start. Outlining how you have broken trust and ways to earn that trust back can make the process of rebuilding trust after addiction clearer. While in an addiction treatment program, working with a counselor to build a plan can help you identify how to approach rebuilding trust.
  • Be honest and transparent: One of the most important things you can do is be honest about your thoughts, feelings, and actions. If you make a mistake or made one in the past, own up to it and apologize.
  • Practice patience: Relationships will not be mended within a day. It may take time to regain the trust of your loved ones. Patience will be key during this time as the process of rebuilding trust may take some time.
  • Make amends: Making amends goes beyond simply apologizing. For example, you may need to replace something you stole or pay a person back. Making amends is an expression of sincere remorse and can be more impactful than just saying sorry.
  • Be and remain honest: After you have started to rebuild trust, you will have to be consistent. You can easily lose trust again if you revert to old habits like lying. People often are not as forgiving the second time, so staying honest will be essential.

How to Rebuild Trust with Loved Ones After Addiction


Your loved ones likely want to trust you again. By taking steps to commit to being a trustworthy person, you will be able to change your life and relationships for the better. If you have found yourself in a situation where the trust needs to be rebuilt, there are many ways to help the process along. The following strategies can help you both rebuild trust and remain a trustworthy person in the future:

Be Reliable

Being reliable is as simple as keeping your word. When you make a promise, try and do everything in your power to keep it. This may mean setting reminders, making schedules, or whatever else you need to do to ensure that you don’t let someone down. For example, if you promise to attend daily 12-step meetings, show up for them. This will prove that you keep your word and are dedicated to recovery.

There are many promises we make in the average course of a day. Some are not as obvious as others. Showing up to work on time or making it to class are other ways of being reliable. Additionally, if a friend asks you to be there for them (such as to help with a move or to support them on a difficult day) you should try your best to be present.

Being reliable means keeping promises. This, however, does not mean you should say yes to everything. If you do not have time to be somewhere because you have an appointment, be honest. It is better to be transparent about your limits than to say yes initially and let someone down later. Overall, the more reliable you are, the easier rebuilding trust after addiction will be.

Avoid Secrecy

Secrets can damage trust just as much as lying. If rebuilding trust after addiction is your priority, avoid keeping secrets from the people you are trying to earn back trust. Be open and honest about everything in your life, even if it is difficult.

There may be times when you want to avoid telling the truth. Maybe you want to hide things you did while on drugs or alcohol. However, rebuilding trust after addiction means being honest about everything, no matter how difficult it may be. It is important to be upfront about your past so that the people you are rebuilding trust with can make an informed decision about whether or not they want to continue having relationships with you.

Communicate Openly

Open communication is key in any relationship, but it is especially important for rebuilding trust after addiction. Often, people with substance addictions withdraw from friends and family. Feelings of shame and anxiety can prompt this. However, withdrawing from people and not communicating with them does not help rebuild trust in your relationships. By communicating openly and leaving lines of communication open, you can build a sense of trust with those around you.

Many people isolate themselves while abusing substances. Unfortunately, your family or friends may suspect that you have returned to drugs due to your isolation. Thus, you can gradually rebuild trust by being communicative and staying in close contact with your friends and family. Show them that you are committed to your sobriety and rebuilding trust in your relationships.

It is also important to be honest about your feelings during recovery. If you feel like you are struggling or might relapse, reach out for help. Your family and friends will be more likely to trust you if they see that you are trying to get better. Rebuilding trust takes time, but it is possible with hard work and dedication.

Be Transparent

Part of being trustworthy is being transparent. This means being willing to share both the good and the bad with the person you are rebuilding trust with. By being open about your thoughts, feelings, and actions, you can show that you have nothing to hide.

Asking for help can be another way to practice transparency. If you are struggling with cravings or the desire to fall back into old habits, being transparent can show that you are dedicated to your recovery. After all, people who aren’t invested in recovery probably wouldn’t make the effort to discuss how they are doing in regards to their progress.

Contact Harmony Ridge Today!

The first step toward achieving recovery is to reach out to one of the rehabs in WV that can get you on the track to recovery. Our admissions team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Give us a call today!

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Rebuilding Trust After Addiction At Work


Personal relationships are not the only areas in your life where you may need to rebuild trust. You may also need to rebuild trust at work. Some employers may even be understanding and willing to give you a chance to prove that you are dedicated to improving. 

A few ways to rebuild trust at work include the following:

  • Showing up on time
  • Completing work-related tasks on time
  • Avoiding calling out unless necessary
  • Communicate with your boss or supervisor about your progress if you feel comfortable or safe doing so
  • When you commit to a task, complete it
  • Get involved in company outings, if possible

Many people with addiction problems lose their jobs due to their diseases. If you have gone through treatment and are now looking for employment, it is important to be honest about your addiction and recovery with potential employers. By letting them know about your struggles ahead of time, you can make room for understanding when you need.

Rebuilding Trust and Recovering from Addiction with Harmony Ridge


At Harmony Ridge Recovery Center, our goal is to provide evidence-based treatment for individuals in West Virginia and the Mid-Ohio Valley. Our addiction treatment programs can provide you with the tools you need to overcome addiction so you can get back to living your life to the fullest.

In our programs, we offer resources through counseling, therapy, and other treatment modalities. With the help of our expert staff, you can start rebuilding trust after addiction.

To learn more about the programs we offer, contact us today. We can help determine which program will work best for you and your needs. Take this first step toward finding harmony in your life. Don’t wait.

Contact Harmony Ridge Today!

The first step toward achieving recovery is to reach out to one of the rehabs in WV that can get you on the track to recovery. Our admissions team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Give us a call today!

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