We understand the unique challenges you face, and our tailored approach is designed to support your journey towards recovery while preserving your career. Let Harmony Ridge help you reclaim your well-being and professional success.
Substance abuse does not discriminate. Corporate professionals such as doctors, lawyers, and politicians may find themselves abusing alcohol or drugs. Harmony Ridge Recovery Center WV is one of the rehab centers in West Virginia that recognizes that professionals have distinct addiction treatment requirements. Our private rehab for professionals provides you with the level of comfort and discretion you seek. So stop putting treatment off – contact us and we will help you start your journey toward sobriety.
Most people assume addiction makes it impossible to hold down a job. But research has shown that at any given point, 10% or more of full-time employees will develop a substance addiction. So if you work in a company with more than a dozen other people, you may know someone who needs drug addiction treatment in WV. Of course, this will depend on what you do as well because some career professionals are more prone to alcohol and drug addiction than others.
While it is possible for anyone working in any industry to develop an addiction, some jobs are more likely to lead to addiction than others. Since stress is what commonly causes people to start abusing substances as a form of self-medication, workers in high-stress positions are at the highest risk. The jobs most commonly associated with substance abuse used to be in the mining and construction industries. But that has changed and today, most people in rehab for professionals are:
Professionals in these careers could experience burnout, chronic stress, and being overworked, which could lead to mental health issues. Some corporate professionals may look to numb the symptoms with alcohol and drugs. This unhealthy way of coping with stress could lead to substance addiction. What is more, those who do develop an addiction can learn to live as high-functioning addicts, still mostly able to do their job while satisfying their cravings. This makes it harder for people in their environment to notice their addiction so they typically start treatment with a more severe problem than most.
Which substance a professional might abuse depends on the effects they want to achieve and the availability of different substances. For example, a pilot who is nervous about flying in bad weather might take benzodiazepines to calm down and a nurse who works in intensive care may end up in alcohol rehab for professionals if she starts drinking to deal with the emotional stress of her job. On the other hand, a corporate executive during a crisis or a lawyer going into a major trial might turn to stimulants to enhance performance. None of these people, however, are very likely to take hallucinogens as this will impede their ability to work. Instead, the most commonly abused substances among professionals are:
At Harmony Ridge, we understand that being successful at work doesn’t always mean you have your whole life together. Addiction doesn’t take into account an individual’s work or social status, financial rank, or other economic circumstances. It can affect almost anyone at any time. We are here to help with a variety of rehab programs for corporate professionals suffering from addiction. Our rehab includes specialized addiction therapy for professionals, different levels of care for different severity of addiction, and personalized treatment plans that take into account the unique requirements of your work and personal life.
While the demands of each professional in rehab are unique, all patients must be equipped with the resources and skills needed to successfully complete recovery treatment. To ensure that full-time professionals are getting what they need too, we make certain accommodations for their work. For example, our rehab programs in West Virginia allow you to go through treatment in a safe, secluded environment while still working remotely even as you attend treatment. Other benefits of our specialized program include:
While some professionals and executives aren’t capable of stepping away from work for more than a few weeks, others require long-term treatment to ensure lifelong sobriety. It all depends on the person. But whichever category you fit in, we will adjust the treatment to your needs. This why rehab for professionals exists: to assist professionals like you in getting the treatment needed at their pace and without sacrificing their personal lives or discretion.
No substance is exclusive to a specific demographic. Working professionals become addicted to various substances just like the rest of the population. But our rehab for professionals is equipped to handle that – we treat all common addictions with equal skill. At our facility, you’ll have access to:
Addiction treatment should result in the patient overcoming their withdrawal symptoms and using the skills they’ve learned in therapy to manage addiction and stay sober. This allows them to go back to their work and life better equipped to handle the stress. That is our goal for everyone who walks through our door. To that end, we provide a wide variety of treatment options combined and tailored to your needs. As a participant in our drug and alcohol rehab for professionals, you’ll have access to all the medical and therapeutic services we offer all our patients as well as the ability to use equipment like computers, phones, and fax machines for work purposes.
At the beginning of your treatment, our team of specialists will evaluate your condition. Assessments help us learn more about you, your addiction, and your general help. Once you’re evaluated, our treatment team can make suggestions as to what rehab for professionals might look like for you. Our recommendations are based on the type of addiction you’re suffering from, the severity of your addiction, the presence of any other mental health conditions, and your physical health.
Harmony Ridge aims to help everyone who needs addiction treatment at every stage of recovery. Consequently, we provide treatment at different levels of care:
All these options are available to professionals as well. But whether inpatient or outpatient treatment is the right choice for you will depend. Our inpatient drug rehab for professionals employs separate residences. As such, it provides all the privacy and amenities that you might seek. Since we understand that rehab for professionals requires the ultimate discretion to keep your reputation and career intact, we will prioritize your confidentiality and privacy. Concerns regarding this should not discourage you from enrolling in a residential program.
Our inpatient rehab provides you with a pleasant, home-like environment during your stay so that you can focus on recovery. It further allows you to connect with peers who share similar experiences. This will give you a sense of community and valuable support.
Outpatient rehab for professionals is less intensive. You will do a variety of therapy programs with therapy sessions scheduled three to four days a week for three to four hours a day. This goes on for 12 weeks or longer. But the length of the program will depend on each patient. Less intensive treatment might thus take longer but it will allow you to tend to your obligations uninterrupted.
Rehab for professionals starts like any other – with detox. During this time, you will taper off substances and prepare for further treatment. If needed, our team will administer medication assisted treatment to help you deal with the symptoms of withdrawal. Medical detox will deal with the physical aspects of addiction; once completed, it should be followed by therapy and other addiction treatment.
It is highly recommended that you detox under medical supervision and not alone. When substance use stops abruptly, you may experience numerous psychological and physical withdrawal symptoms. These can include depression, anxiety, flu-like indications, and powerful cravings. In addition to being uncomfortable, these symptoms can also be dangerous. Our round-the-clock, medically supervised detox will help keep you safe and comfortable.
The biggest portion of our drug and alcohol rehab for professionals is taken up by addiction therapy. After detox, when the physical symptoms of substance dependence have been dealt with, you need to tackle the mental and emotional aspects of addiction. To ensure you’re getting as much support in this as possible, our rehab programs provide several different types of therapy, including:
If you suffer from another mental illness in addition to addiction, regular treatment may not be enough for you. When this is the case, we recommend our dual diagnosis treatment in WV which addresses the way addiction interacts with other disorders with the goal of improving overall mental health.
Harmony Ridge Recovery Center is dedicated to providing the highest level of care to all patients. Our facility is modern and well-equipped – you will feel right at home while staying with us. Furthermore, it is surrounded by over 50 acres of stunning nature; you’ll be able to explore the hiking trails around you in your free time. The peaceful environment invokes feelings of calm and relaxation, lowering your stress levels and facilitating recovery.
But our facilities would be nothing without our staff. We employ licensed professionals with personal experience with addiction. This fosters a welcoming and understanding atmosphere where you will feel supported and cared for.
It is tempting for professionals to enroll in outpatient programs so they can continue working. This might seem like the ideal solution, but it won’t offer the environment and structure required to help you recover from addiction properly. To avoid the ever-common issue of relapse, addiction treatment must be focused and intense. Outpatient programs don’t offer this level of intensity. So when you’re taking your first steps toward sobriety, especially if you’ve been struggling with addiction for a while, you should prioritize drug and alcohol rehab for professionals.
If you’re worried about losing your job while attending addiction treatment, don’t be. People who work are protected under the US Department of Labor’s Family and Medical Leave Act. This states that employees can “take unpaid, job-protected leave for specified family and medical reasons.” These include severe health conditions, like addiction, which prevent you from fulfilling your work duties.
The specialized rehab for professionals at Harmony Ridge Recovery Center is the perfect solution for a busy working professional struggling with addiction. Not only do we provide evidence-based treatment that focuses on long-term recovery but we also protect your privacy while you attend said treatment. We’ll work with you to create the perfect blend of medical services, therapy, work, and free time that allows you to focus on leaving addiction behind without harming your career. So if you are ready to retake control of your life, contact us today and start the admission process. We will guide you on your way toward sobriety.
People with substance abuse disorder work in all kinds of jobs. However, addiction is most common in professions that are very fast-paced, emotionally draining, and stressful. This includes the food and service industries, but also medical professions and high-power corporate work.
Professionals typically abuse two broad categories of medications: CNS depressants and stimulants. Those who are seeking to deal with anxiety, depression, and insomnia or numb their feelings typically turn to alcohol, benzos, and opioids. Those who are looking to improve their performance typically turn to stimulants.
Rehab for professionals differs from standard rehab in two major ways: the treatment addresses issues unique to full-time workers and the patient’s work is taken into account when planning treatment. In practice, this means that your profession and day-to-day work life will be a topic of conversation during therapy as well as that you will be granted additional privacy to keep your identity secret and allowed certain freedoms that let you keep working while in treatment.
Most professionals opt for inpatient drug and alcohol rehab to get the most intensive and targeted treatment possible. This allows them to recover faster and return to work sooner. However, other programs are also available.
Addiction is a medical condition; as such, its treatment is legally speaking no different than the treatment of any other illness. You can take a medical leave or leave of absence to go into rehab and you can even have the treatment covered by insurance. In fact, it is best that you do inform your employer of your addiction and the treatment you’re receiving for it as this allows for clear communication and collaboration between your workplace and rehab center which can work together to provide you with the best possible treatment while still keeping you employed.
Our recovery specialists are standing by 24/7 to help you or your loved one.
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