
Neurofeedback Therapy in Addiction Treatment

The process of neurofeedback therapy is as equally productive as it is relaxing. Therapy in neurofeedback technology is a tried and true method to correct any chemical imbalances in your mind. 

Neurofeedback technology confirms that these imbalances are not your fault. These mental deficiencies are merely a direct bi-product of stress or trauma and their effects on our psyche. These chemical imbalances or deficiencies are directly responsible for the majority of mental and physical health conditions.

The greatest news is that this shortage or excess of neuronic activity can be corrected and stabilized through neurofeedback therapy. You’ll be glad to hear, this type of therapy is equally low risk, if not more so than any other therapy that you can receive. 

In many cases, neurofeedback therapy is even more effective. If you’re hesitant about neurofeedback therapy, look no further than this post to put your fears at permanent ease.

What is Neurofeedback Therapy?

Neurofeedback therapy treatment is the process of retraining your body’s involuntary brain impulses. This training removes those inhibiting brain patterns that cause stress and anxiety, among other mental conditions. 

The neurofeedback therapy procedure reshapes and retrains aspects of the brain that are lacking the necessary electromagnetic activity. For anybody seeking to remove habits, anxiety, or struggles with addiction from one’s life, neurofeedback therapy is for you.

Known for its name, electroencephalography(EEG) in the medical sector, neurofeedback therapy measures and helps stabilize electromagnetic brain activity. Thus, the medical name for its monitoring and training techniques for electromagnetic levels. Through measuring these brain waves, your brain inadvertently provides ‘feedback’ on areas of brain activity that you need more or less of. 

Since the neuronic measurement is the basis of determining, the name ‘neurofeedback’ came to be known to the general populace. This is an ever-increasing popular therapy due to its continually expanding degree of efficiency.

Treatment cases of mental health are the driving force behind neurofeedback therapy success. 

With its continually expanding efficacy on mental health, neurofeedback is considered by many to be the therapy of today and the future.

Mental health conditions occur when there is a chemical imbalance in brain waves. This means electromagnetic activity in one region is more or less stimulated than it should be. Therapy in neurofeedback targets these less pronounced regions, enabling you to retrain these areas to full functionality.

What Happens in Neurofeedback Therapy Sessions?

First, full mapping of your brain’s layout is conducted through specified electromagnetic monitoring equipment. This full brain assessment helps determine which areas of your brain are not functioning properly and must be retrained. This is a necessary step in determining the trajectory and focus required by your neurofeedback therapy sessions.

When the specific regions of needed treatment are identified, therapy can proceed to the necessary steps determined by your assessment. The process of neurofeedback is performed by placing sensory pads at specific areas of the brain. As this mapping of your brain’s electromagnetic activity is displayed, it is contrasted to visuals of normalized electromagnetic activity. 

Music is then projected through headphones to ease your mind into a comfortable state. This state of comfort is likewise based on electromagnetic monitoring of your neurofeedback therapy specialist. Again, in correlation with the name, these neuronic responses are your brain’s way of giving your doctor neuronic ‘feedback’.

What are the Neurofeedback Therapy Side Effects?

Though side effects are unlikely, there are a few short-term side effects that a minority of patients experience. If you do experience side effects, here is what to know and what to expect. 

Bringing all of the following side effects to your doctor’s attention can help you minimize and manage their symptoms. Be comforted in knowing the overwhelming majority find neurofeedback therapy to be an utterly refreshing and relaxing experience though.


Remember as you train your mind, with any degree of unfamiliar exercise or training, fatigue can arise. New treatment can be understandably wearisome. However, have assurance knowing that these side-effects are short-lived in contrast to your long-term relief from mental or physical disorders. 

Before you know it, this temporary side effect will give way to mental fortitude and empowerment. Furthermore, weariness can be a great sign that the retraining process is working. If this side effect, however, becomes too encumbering, your neurofeedback professional can adjust your treatments as necessary to relieve fatigue.


The side effect of headaches is likely a result of training higher frequencies of brain waves or training the wrong regions for therapy. This can easily be resolved by sharing these symptoms with your professional, who will then make the necessary modifications to your treatment. Failure to report any headaches that you may be feeling due to neurofeedback therapy to your doctor could result in further, more intensified headaches.


In the midst of, or following your neurofeedback therapy, bouts of dizziness have been reported to occur. This dizziness is likely a reaction to the alteration in brain wave patterns, a byproduct of your attempt to alter these electromagnetic levels in your mind. Bouts of dizziness only provide further solidification that the treatment is doing its job. 


Anxiety is one of the conditions that neurofeedback can actually help treat. In rare cases though, neurofeedback therapy can lead to a further increase in anxiety levels. This increase in anxiety is predominantly due to the nervousness of the patient leading up to the introductory therapy sessions. 

For some people, how you feel before neurofeedback therapy is the feeling that will be magnified following your sessions. The neurofeedback therapy side effect that’s known as anxiety almost always subsides as you find how relaxing neurofeedback therapy truly is.

What Conditions Can Neurofeedback Therapy Treat?

Its adaptable application enables neurofeedback therapy to be successfully applied to numerous mental and physical health conditions. Each category listed below provides an in-depth perspective of how each condition is improved through neurofeedback therapy treatment.


Anxiety is a result of overstimulated electromagnetic activity in the stress regions of the brain. Neurofeedback therapy targets these overstimulated brain waves whilst your doctor trains individuals on how to permanently minimize these stress neurons.

When anxiety-related conditions are triggered it can become difficult or impossible to control on your own. But, breakthroughs in technology have equipped experienced doctors to train you to control your anxiety levels. By reducing overstimulated stress cells and balancing your mind’s electromagnetic frequencies, anxiety-based conditions can be limited or even cured.


Severe head trauma can damage neuronic brain activity and brain function permanently. This neuronic-targeted therapy has higher efficacy than most other treatments for concussion-related injuries though. 

Concussions induce both chemical and neuronic instability through the violent tremors the brain has endured. A neurofeedback professional will help increase electromagnetic activity in the affected regions of the brain through training and proper stimulation though. This natural stimulation balances neuronic brain waves that were distorted by the trauma.


According to, seizures are a direct response to disrupted communication between brain cells. When brain cell function is damaged, it triggers the occurrence of seizures. Through neurofeedback therapy though, it is possible to restore communication between these brain cells.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

PTSD is a disorder triggered by traumatic events. PTSD is most often a lifelong battle. These emotional and stressful experiences take a toll in the form of imbalanced brain waves. 

PTSD alone can be an underlying cause for numerous anxiety disorders. Neurofeedback therapy has been medically proven in many cases to be one of the greatest treatments for sufferers of post-traumatic stress disorder.

Sleeping Disorders

Most sleeping disorders are due to a lack of REM sleep or no REM sleep at all. REM is the deepest and most vital stage of sleep your body requires. Ironically, this is also the stage when brain activity is at its highest. 

With neurofeedback, your doctor can help you retrain and intensify these portions of the brain naturally. Allow this proven therapy to prove to you that the only ticket you need to greater slumber is neurofeedback treatment.


Addiction cravings and their triggers are all tied to heightened neuronic activity that triggers these irrepressible desires. Neurofeedback therapy can hone in on these portions of your brain that harbor increased brain waves that trigger cravings and the desire to relapse. Thus, you can set yourself free from your struggles with addiction simply by making the right choice in seeking neurofeedback therapy.

Neurofeedback Therapy Near Me

Neurofeedback therapy specialists can easily be referred by any licensed mental health professional. There are also numerous programs you can explore to qualify for neurofeedback therapy services at private clinics. Speak to a mental health doctor today to begin exploring this potential life-altering therapy that awaits you.

The Bottom Line

If you or someone you love struggles with addiction, anxiety, or other mental disorders, don’t let another moment pass. The fact that you’re reading this article is indicative of your therapeutic needs. 

Harmony Ridge Recovery Center has all the loving professional support you need to face the struggles that come with mental illness with a smile. At Harmony Ridge Recovery Center, your future is in your hands. Your Recovery is calling out to you. Answer the call.


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