
Alcohol addiction

Explore diverse treatment options and the seamless admission process at Harmony Ridge Recovery Center WV. Beat alcohol addiction with our friendly and experienced staff.


Alcohol addiction is a deeply troubling issue and a growing concern in the 21st century. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism found that in 2019, a startling 14.5 million Americans had Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD). Due to alcohol being more culturally acceptable and available, this figure does not show signs of decreasing – as more and more people become binge drinkers to fit in or cope with a post-pandemic world.

At Harmony Ridge Recovery Center WV, we are keenly aware of the destructive effects of alcohol addiction. It can erode social and familial bonds, exacerbate mental health disorders, and put the alcohol abusers at risk of physical and mental harm. As a pioneer among centers for alcohol rehab WV offers, our comprehensive alcohol rehab program seeks to meet this challenge head-on and give you back the life you deserve.

woman drinking alcohol
Alcohol enjoys unique social acceptance among potentially addictive substances.

Alcohol Addiction Versus Socializing: Walking a Fine Line

Alcohol addiction does not develop overnight. However, because addiction is a disease, it can run in families and be further influenced by repeated exposure to substance abuse at home.

More than ten percent of children in the United States resides with a parent who abuses alcohol according to a study performed by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Unfortunately, these statistics only further reinforce how important it is to be aware of what it looks like when alcohol addiction develops, and how to help others get professional care.

Identifying an alcoholic isn’t as easy as you may think. The regular consumption of alcohol has become commonly accepted among many cultures and for many reasons, especially when it comes to socializing. Usually, drinking on occasion does not typically raise a red flag for many adults. However, when it starts to happen in excess, you might be looking at the development of alcohol addiction.

How Someone Becomes a “Social Drinker”?

These days, as jobs and home lives become more and more stressful, demanding so much of us, it’s not unusual for a person to suggest grabbing a drink when the clock strikes 5 pm. Unfortunately, it really doesn’t take much for a “social drinker” to develop an alcohol addiction and need an alcohol addiction treatment center.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), excessive drinking is responsible for one in ten deaths among working-age adults (20-64 years old). It’s estimated that 17 million adults in America suffer from alcohol addiction. Even more alarming, over 850,000 young adults in America between the ages of 12 and 17 have presented with some sort of alcohol addiction or alcohol abuse.

When is it Time to Seek Help or Treatment for Alcohol Use?


To start with, we absolutely recognize that alcohol consumption in itself is a well-established everyday life practice. In moderation, alcohol can serve as an excellent relaxant, social lubricant, or recreational tool. Alcohol use is far from new in human history, and we should never mistake mindful use with abuse.

However, alcohol misuse can very easily spiral into abuse and addiction, causing us to spiral out of control. Due to it being socially acceptable and even prevalent in art and media, alcohol can tempt an individual more easily than drugs and illicit substances.

To identify a potential case of addiction in yourself or a loved one, you will need to identify its early signs. WebMD pinpoints the most common ones as:

  • Consuming larger quantities than intended
  • Unsuccessfully trying to reduce alcohol consumption
  • Obsessing over alcohol at the expense of other activities
  • Facing difficulties at school or work because of alcohol
  • Identifying problems in your relationships because of drinking
  • Finding yourself in harm’s way during and after drinking
  • Having alcohol impact your mental health and emotional wellbeing
  • Feeling the need to consume larger quantities of alcohol to get the intended effect
  • Facing intense withdrawal symptoms after taking a break from alcohol

If any or a combination of the above-noted references applies to you or someone you know, it may be wise to seek out professional help at alcohol rehab centers in WV. You may begin with a thorough introspection or an intervention, followed by expert counseling. If the issue persists, we strongly suggest that you explore facilities for alcohol rehab WV locals recommend and the treatment plans they offer.

drunk man
Identifying early signs of addiction, such as excessive drinking, is vital to receiving help in time.

Alcohol Addiction: Battle of the Sexes


Typical alcohol consumption guidelines are measured differently between men and women. This is due to the different rates that alcohol is metabolized. In the case of males, consuming more than five standard alcoholic beverages within a period of 2 hours is considered binge drinking.

For women, four or more within that same time frame is the standard. Aside from the obvious observation that men are generally larger in body mass, there are several other factors that play into different alcohol tolerances between the sexes.

In general, women tend to have a physical make up that consists of a larger amount of body fat. This is due to anatomy and generally does not coincide with physical fitness levels. Alcohol is actually stored within fat cells, thus causing women to retain more of it in their body for a longer period of time before it is expelled.

Another interesting fact is that alcohol, once consumed, is held in reserves within our blood, where we also store the majority of our bodies’ necessary water. Because women tend to be smaller, therefore having less blood by mass, the toxic chemical then builds up and concentrates higher in the female body.

Additionally, there is also the matter of the enzyme known as alcohol dehydrogenase. This little key player takes immediate action within the body to try and break down the drink before it can even make it to the blood. Men typically produce more of this enzyme in their bodies, which can lead to having a higher tolerance than women, allowing them to consume more before having the same effects.

However, both men and women can develop alcohol addictions and require an alcohol addiction treatment center. Because men can metabolize alcohol more quickly, they have a tendency to drink more over a short period of time. This leads to not only building a tolerance to alcohol but provides a higher risk of dependency. This leads directly to abuse and addiction.

How Harmony Ridge Recovery Center WV Handles Your Recovery from Alcohol?


When such signs culminate into deeper, noticeable problems, it is the solemn duty of treatment providers to be thorough and caring. As a top-rated alcohol rehab WV facility, Harmony Ridge Recovery Center WV abides by a set of principles established to best facilitate successful recoveries from alcohol:

  • Discretion and empathy. Our admission agents, clinicians, and staff will always be discreet and empathetic. Many of us have overcome such challenges personally, and it is our experiences that give us the understanding to be genuinely empathetic to the struggles of our patients.
  • Tailored treatment plans. Each addiction differs, from its duration to its underlying causes and more. Holding this belief allows us to offer strictly individualized programs that meet every patient’s unique needs, instead of opting for a rigid and unchanging program for everyone.
  • Open support and honesty. Rehabilitation is a very challenging process, where faltering can have disastrous consequences. Knowing this, we offer all of our patients our unyielding support through positive encouragement and open communication channels. Depending on your needs, we will provide as much support and supervision as your case requires.
  • Thorough aftercare. The final stage of freedom from addiction is just as crucial as the first. Newly rehabilitated patients can often relapse and we have seen this unfortunate event occur time after time. To address this, we offer an endearing aftercare program that helps ensure continued abstinence and true recovery.

This is, of course, only a consolidated list of our core principles. If you would like to learn more about our center and alcohol addiction treatment center in which we apply these principles, we encourage you to read on.

Woman with a stethoscope and gloves holding a patient record.
Addiction treatment is a long and complex process, which requires personalization and thorough care.

Treatment Options at Harmony Ridge Recovery Center WV


As highlighted above, every case of addiction differs drastically. The underlying reasons, the duration, the severity, the individual’s resolve and willingness to receive help, and other factors make each case different from the rest. To address this, our team at Harmony Ridge Recovery Center WV offers an array of alcohol addiction treatment center options to help craft the perfect journey to recovery every time:

  • Detox. Often the initial stage, detoxification is a necessary first step toward overcoming alcohol addiction.
  • Residential rehab. In the first stage of an alcohol addiction treatment, typically used for more severe cases, residential rehab offers a safe and controlled environment for recovery.
  • Intensive outpatient programs (IOPs). An alternative to residential rehab, typically best suited for milder cases, IOPs allow for residential flexibility.
  • Aftercare. In the final stage of rehab, aftercare programs solidify relapse prevention strategies and help maintain abstinence through socialization and continued care.

In order, these options do map out a typical rehabilitation process. However, personalization to meet each case’s needs is also necessary. To demonstrate this, let us delve deeper into each stage of alcohol rehab in WV can offer.

A healthcare provider sitting at the table
Case management will follow an individual’s progress across programs, planning the best route forward.

Checking In

The very first step is always the hardest, and seeking rehab for yourself is a decision many people struggle with. It often requires interventions from loved ones so that the individual can strongly grasp his/her issue and its impact on their life. Some people do make the decision for themselves, however, after some thorough research and introspection.

If you’re ready to take this first step forward, our alcohol rehab centers in WV are here to accompany you throughout this journey. Once you fill out our admissions form, our admissions team will get back to you and discuss your individual case. Alternatively, you can always reach our team directly at (855) 942-3797. In either case, we will discuss your case, needs, and options with absolute confidentiality and empathy.

Detoxing as the First Step in Alcohol Recovery

The typical first step of alcohol recovery comes with detox, as most alcohol rehab centers in WV will attest to. For this stage, you will need to stay in the alcohol addiction treatment center facility where medical professionals will oversee the process of detoxification. Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) is often a necessary part of detox if patients don’t respond well to traditional abstinence-based treatments.

This stage is crucial to a successful recovery for one simple reason – most people can’t detox on their own. The withdrawal symptoms and cravings are often too strong to overcome and can even put the individual at risk. This is why we strongly suggest you never attempt to detox on your own unless you’re under professional supervision in alcohol rehab centers in WV.

man drinking
Attempting to detox alone will most often lead the individual back to heavy alcohol consumption.

Is a Partial Hospitalization Program a Good Option for Alcohol Recovery?

After detox, patients can be admitted to different alcohol addiction treatment center programs, depending on the severity of their case. For the most severe cases, a partial hospitalization program may indeed be the best starting point.

Partial hospitalization programs typically offer the most intensive care, outside of inpatient programs. Unlike IOPs, they require hospital care for a minimum of 3 to 5 days a week, 4-6 hours a day. As such, PHPs are often best suited for severe cases, especially for cases of co-occurring disorders.

In brief, PHPs are ideal for patients who do need intensive care but do not require 24/7 supervision and medical or psychiatric assistance. For alcohol addiction or drug addiction, PHPs are indeed a very viable option.

Around-The-Clock Individualized Care at Our Residential Program

For relatively less severe cases but ones that still require intensive care and supervision, residential programs typically work best. Residential programs require that you stay at designated residential facilities, where therapists and medical professionals will be readily available.

For this stage, our residential program constitutes one of the best options for alcohol rehab WV doctors often suggest. The safe and controlled environment will ensure you’re away from triggers while we work together to combat cravings and your addiction’s underlying causes. At the same time, its idyllic location in the West Virginia countryside will help your mind heal alongside the body.

If you would like to see our alcohol rehab centers in WV for yourself, just look through our photo gallery. Alternatively, you may take a video tour of our residential facilities.

Intensive Outpatient Program and Its Benefits

Conversely, an Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) may work best for you. IOPs are typically reserved for relatively milder cases, where addiction therapies can succeed without many everyday compromises. Still, unlike general Outpatient programs, IOPs provide intensive care to ensure successful rehabilitation.

The IOP at our alcohol addiction treatment center requires roughly 9 hours of service per week, divided into three 180-minute sessions. This schedule, as well as the program’s final duration, strongly relies on the individual’s progress. Still, an IOP will typically last for 30 days but can extend up to 3-4 months.

This program’s benefits for alcohol and drug addiction are numerous, as it combines the freedom of residence with a keen focus on therapy. During it, your options will include a range of behavioral therapies, alongside a holistic approach to addiction. It will include group and family counseling, medication management if needed, and strictly individualized case management.

A close-up of a person in a yoga meditation pose.
During outpatient programs, holistic approaches to addiction will focus on healing the mind alongside the body.

When Alcohol Becomes a Problem


Some indicators that alcohol abuse is present may be:

  • drinking more to achieve the same effect while at social outings
  • experiencing withdrawal symptoms after they have discontinued drinking
  • decrease or lack of motivation in work performance due to drinking
  • family/relationship issues that seem to revolve around alcohol or multiple nights out socializing
  • Lack or decline in personal hygiene
  • Signs of worsening depression or anxiety
  • Overall decline in health or wellbeing

An alcohol addiction (also known as alcoholism) occurs when a person’s life is controlled by their drinking. Just the same as with any substance abuse, alcohol addiction will intertwine itself into many different parts of your life, leaving behind a mess. Be on the lookout for some of these initial changes that start to develop when a person is suffering from alcohol addiction.

Many times, people are unaware that they are dealing with alcohol addiction and contribute these negative factors to an increase in stress.

Unfortunately, it is also true that an alcoholic can be aware of the impacts drinking is having on their lives and still refuse to recognize it. Take notice if you or someone you love is showing signs of partaking in binge drinking, or any alcohol-related activities that could indicate serious alcohol addiction that requires alcohol rehab centers in WV.

When Someone Starts Drinking to Forget?


Alcoholics often turn back to alcohol to forget the pain that their own addiction is creating.

When an alcoholic’s life has begun to spiral, many things in their life will start to change for the worse. Alcohol addiction has now begun to show more negative outcomes than positive ones. They may become more depressed or unmotivated, leading to issues with their work or in their relationships.

They may even experience legal repercussions as a result of their actions while under the influence. As things start to decline, a person who is now addicted to alcohol will most likely only resort to what they can count on to ease the pain. They will turn to alcohol.

A group supporting a friend who is holding his head, ready to get admitted to alcohol addiction treatment center.
When everything spirals, alcohol becomes the only escape — even as consequences mount.

Because they’ve been using alcohol as a crutch, individuals often face a range of issues caused by their addiction, such as:

  • Having people in their social circle distance themselves.
  • Problems in their romantic relationships.
  • Pushing away family or those that they have personal relationships with to avoid having to face their alcohol addiction.
  • New peer groups in new locations to socialize that accept intoxicated behaviors.
  • Unpredictable mood changes or unnecessary outbursts.
  • Replacing old friends with new ones that drink more often and more heavily.
  • Having a hard time getting to know new people as a result of being overly intoxicated.
  • Difficulty at work, school, or activities that were once of great value.
  • Altercations or in legal trouble as a result of binge drinking.
  • Irresponsible behavior or acting out in ways that are damaging to their social life.
  • Problems communicating with those that don’t know them.
  • Isolating themselves because they no longer feel accepted.

As bad as things may seem for them now, alcohol addiction will only continue to make them worse over time. Once substance abuse has taken hold of your social life, physical signs of dependency will then be the icing on the cake. It is important to know that before it gets worse, taking action to get alcohol addiction treatment can help avoid further self-harm.

The Physical Side of Alcohol Addiction


When you have developed a dependency on alcohol, your body will have a hard time functioning without it. A person can be dependent on alcohol without having an addiction, but please note that it only means that they are only on their way there. This is when it becomes even more hazardous to your health.

At this point, someone who uses alcohol regularly has developed a tolerance to how much their body can stand before becoming physically ill. This only allows alcohol addiction to get worse, as they drink more and more to have the same intoxicating effect. Now that the brain and body expect alcohol to be flowing through it more often.

When someone who is addicted to alcohol stops using, physical symptoms will be present. These look something like:

  • Shanking of the hands and arms, these can be slight or even resemble all over body tremors.
  • Increased perspiration or heavy breathing.
  • Nausea or upset stomach (lasting longer than the initial hangover).
  • Mood swings or uncontrolled emotions.
  • Rapid heartbeat.
  • Having a hard time falling asleep, staying asleep.
  • Oversleeping or inability to feel rested and stay focused.

In order to sustain an alcohol addiction, the fastest way to get rid of these horrible feelings is to then ingest more alcohol. Having withdrawal symptoms as your body works to detox in between drinking, feeding the hunger of the addiction is often a result to avoid it getting worse or lasting longer.

Denying Help for Alcohol Addiction


Even when everything has taken its turn for the worse, an alcoholic may still refuse to get help for their addiction at an alcohol addiction treatment center. There are many reasons why those who abuse alcohol turn away help or refuse to admit they have a problem. Often, people who can’t admit they have a problem with alcohol are still functioning “normally” as though the alcohol is not affecting their daily lives.

The truth of the matter is that most alcoholics do not fit the stereotype. In fact, those who do fit the stereotype likely started as functioning alcoholics. But, after years of abusing alcohol, the ramifications finally caught up to them. They may have lost their job, gotten divorced, or were arrested.

No one can drink heavily and maintain their responsibilities over time. Eventually, the drinking will catch up with him/her. Alcohol addiction will soon overtake their lives and health, leaving only two options: get help at alcohol rehab centers in WV or let addiction ruin everything you have worked for.

High Functioning Alcoholics


A highly functional alcoholic defies what most of us think a person suffering from alcohol addiction would look and act like. They can be high achievers, sometimes even in positions of power. In fact, the success of highly functioning alcoholics could actually lead people to overlook their excessive drinking habits or to ignore it to avoid conflict with authority.

Highly functional alcoholics live what appears to be successful lives. They have great careers, families, and strong social connections, unlike the alcoholics depicted on television. As a society, we have been brought up to think alcoholics are disheveled, unemployed people who ruin family holidays and events by drinking too much.

Denial is also a top reason why a high functioning alcoholic refuses to acknowledge he/she has an alcohol addiction. They are inclined to justify their drinking by reinforcing that they have a great job and provide excellent life for their family. An alcoholic usually diffuses confrontation, proclaiming that they are entitled to have a drink to unwind from the workday.

The Binge Drinker


Binge drinking can have serious effects on the human body, especially over time. Aside from the risk of developing an alcohol addiction, it can be the cornerstone leading to many other deadly consequences. Binge drinking has been directly related to:

  • Dui arrests, imprisonment, house arrest, hefty fines and penalties
  • Car accidents, proving deadly to both the person that is intoxicated, and the other unsuspecting drivers
  • Accidents such as falling or getting hurt as a result of being overly intoxicated
  • Alcohol poisoning that could result in permanent brain damage or death
  • Assault, violence, inflicting self-harm or even suicide
  • Developing chronic diseases or illnesses that could be deadly (heart disease, cirrhosis of the liver, stroke, cancer)
  • Accidental pregnancies, STI’s, miscarriages, birth defects
  • Cognitive function decline or brain damage
  • Alcohol addictions that require professional rehabilitative treatment

Anytime a person has consumed more alcohol than their body can reasonably handle, they are taking a risk. Unfortunately, when binge drinking is involved, more often than not, there will be repercussions to these actions.

Over a period of time, a person’s body will eventually develop a dependency on alcohol, requiring the person to consume more to achieve the same level of intoxication. This is a sign of alcohol addiction that shouldn’t go ignored.

Alcohol Addiction Aftercare and Long-Term Recovery


Finally, our aftercare program will cement your recovery and ensure you remain abstinent and thrive post-rehab. For many of our past patients, it was our aftercare program that separated us from other alcohol rehab centers in WV – and guaranteed long-term results.

Long-term recovery relies on two fundamental pillars – maintained sobriety and relapse prevention. Aftercare programs focus keenly on both, through such means as:

  • AA-based meetings and continued therapy. NIH research, among other studies, confirms the effectiveness of this practice. It notes that “it has been recognized as an effective long-term treatment for alcoholism by psychiatrists and psychoanalysts experienced in the treatment of the addictions”.
  • Socialization and communication toward self-efficacy. Similarly, NIH research finds that “the maintenance of aftercare further reduce[s] the risk of relapse”, allowing the individual to maintain sobriety.
  • Relapse prevention tools. Finally, aftercare explicitly builds on relapse prevention tools like trigger management. The AAC reports that relapse rates vary from 50% to a staggering 90%, making this an extremely worthwhile pursuit.

Our firm grasp of these facts has refined our aftercare program to be the best it can be. From connecting you with a sponsor to maintaining open communication channels with therapists, you will never be alone during the difficult initial phase of post-rehab life.

woman on the sunshine after alcohol rehab WV
Aftercare programs are a crucial part of every recovery, as they cement abstinence and help prevent relapse.

Behavioral Therapy for Alcohol Misuse and Addiction


Having mentioned behavioral therapy before, we should note that alcohol addiction has a curious place in modern life. As drinking has much less of a social stigma, it typically takes more willpower and peer pressure to identify addiction. The social drinker, the binge drinker, and other such profiles are all much more culturally acceptable, which often leads to deeper behavioral disorders than most drug addictions.

The residents of West Virginia understand this, as do professional therapists and rehab specialists. That is why alcohol rehab programs in WV, such as ours, account for it. For our programs, we offer the following established behavioral therapies for alcohol misuse and addiction specifically:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). As the best-known type of psychotherapy, CBT offers a very efficient, non-invasive, and non-medical approach to therapy. Its tenets also find applications in such psychotherapies as DBT and REBT, which our programs also offer.
  • Motivational Enhancement Therapy (MET). Also known as motivational interviewing, MET strongly emphasizes internally motivated change. It leans onto the individual and their own emotional needs, instead of directing them to where the therapist deems best.
  • 12-Step Programs. A staple of both individual therapy and group therapy, 12-step programs based on AA is a key component of all our programs. Research continues to demonstrate its effectiveness, and we and our patients can only attest to it as well.
  • Marital and family counseling. Addictions of all kinds tend to impact marriages and families the most. To address this, our programs offer extensive counseling toward mending these wounds and letting the individuals rebuild their relationships.

Helping a Loved One Struggling with Alcoholism


In the case that it is a loved one you seek to help, it is crucial that you intervene early. Your loved one may be struggling emotionally, and bringing them to terms with their problem requires due care. In line with MedlinePlus’s recommendations, we strongly suggest that you:

  • Discuss the issue with persistence. It can be very hard to convince an individual with AUD of their problem, so you must insist.
  • Avoid confrontation. You must convince them while remaining supportive; lecturing them or accusing them will often have adverse effects.
  • Avoid labels. Characterizing your loved one will also often seem confrontational, and may push them away from you.
  • Don’t use threats or guilt trips. Neither of these approaches will often bear results; remember to remain supportive.
  • Seek professional help. Offer to accompany your loved one to a therapist, counselor, or other medical professionals such as the ones at our alcohol rehab WV facility.

Each case will definitely differ, so remember to approach your loved one in the way that best works for them. Observe their character and responses, and adjust your efforts accordingly. Bring them to accept their problem, but do so lovingly because confrontation rarely works. Addiction often overlaps with mental health issues as well, which may make your role even harder.

two persons holding hands
Picking up on the signs early and remaining supportive can make all the difference in your loved ones’ recovery.

Dual Diagnosis – Mental Illness & Alcohol Abuse

To account for this, all of our programs strictly abide by the principle of dual diagnosis – the understanding that mental health issues and substance use disorders frequently overlap.

For a specific definition, the AAC defines dual diagnosis as follows:

“[A] dual diagnosis refers to the phenomenon of having a substance use disorder (SUD) and one or more co-occurring psychiatric disorders simultaneously. These co-occurring psychiatric conditions may include a range of mental illnesses [,] such as schizophrenia, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), bipolar disorder, depressive disorders, or generalized anxiety disorder.”

Statistics corroborate this. Citing reports published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, HelpGuide finds that:

  • “Roughly 50 percent of individuals with severe mental disorders are affected by substance abuse”.
  • “37 percent of alcohol abusers and 53 percent of drug abusers also have at least one serious mental illness”.
  • “Of all people diagnosed as mentally ill, 29 percent abuse alcohol or drugs”.

In all such cases, one disorder tends to fuel the other. Anxiety, depression, social isolation, and other mental health challenges will make substances seem like a solution. In turn, substance addiction will push the individual further down into self-neglect, isolation, and harm.

For this reason, more and more alcohol rehab centers in WV focus on dual diagnosis as a comprehensive means of addressing all underlying causes of addiction. We at Harmony Ridge Recovery Center WV are proud to have done so early, basing our philosophy on the holistic treatment of addiction.

doctor talking to a patient in one of alcohol rehab centers WV
Dual diagnoses identify co-occurring disorders and seek to cure both.

4 Crucial Steps of the Alcohol Rehab Process

To illustrate this philosophy in action, here we may go through the 4 key steps of alcohol rehabilitation. To do so, we will use VeryWellMind’s classification of these steps – as it reflects our programs as well.

#1 Treatment initiation

The initiation of treatment is always the hardest step of rehabilitation. The individual may not fully grasp their condition and may require intervention by loved ones. Other times, the individual may fear the process, or lack confidence in themselves to carry it through.

For this initial stage, our admissions team remains available 24/7 to dispel any confusion and alleviate any fears you might have. They will exercise due discretion, and help ease your mind as we work on the best treatment plan for you.

#2 Early abstinence

The second stage comes with early abstinence, where the individual goes through detoxification. This process will allow you to break free from your addiction’s grasp, and set you on a course toward recovery.

Case management is absolutely vital during this stage. Each individual goes through detox and handles early abstinence differently. That’s why case managers at Harmony Ridge Recovery Center WV will make sure each step of the journey is uniquely tailored to your needs, and our clinicians and therapists will always be at your disposal.

#3 Maintaining abstinence

Upon achieving initial abstinence, the next challenge to overcome will be to maintain your newfound freedom from addiction. From managing cravings to behavioral disassociation, this step is crucial.

To meet this challenge, all of our programs focus keenly on relapse prevention. From PHPs to IOPs, our therapists will consistently work with you to build up your resilience and self-confidence. The trigger management and relapse prevention tools you will acquire will set the foundations for a strong aftercare phase, which is the final challenge of rehabilitation.

#4 Advanced recovery

Finally, aftercare will signify the beginning of advanced recovery. It is this stage that best wards off chronic relapse and guarantees successful rehabilitation.

This final stage hinges on our aftercare program, which will help ensure you always have a helping hand within reach. Attending AA meetings and group therapy, finding a sponsor, socializing with your peers, and other such practices will guarantee this. Alongside the tools you have acquired during your stay with us, our aftercare will offer the final push you need to start your life anew.

What Sets Us Apart from All Other Alcohol Rehab Centers in WV?

It is our diligence, experience, and extended offerings that set us apart from other centers that provide alcohol rehab WV patients require. Ridding as many people as possible from addiction is our moral mission, and we have the resources and skilled manpower to meet this task head-on.

To consolidate these into a digestible list, our advantages over our peers include:

  • An experienced team. Our team of licensed, experienced health professionals will cater to your every need, and craft the perfect individualized plan to do so.
  • Diverse therapy options. Our array of treatment options guarantees that we will find the ideal one for you, tackling the foundation of your addiction.
  • A holistic approach to treatment. In addition, our holistic treatment mantra will offer you more therapeutic options and activities to best facilitate your journey.
  • A unique location. Located in the idyllic West Virginia countryside, our location will aid in your physical, mental, and emotional recovery.
  • Insurance coverage. Finally, despite our wide range of treatment programs, we remain distinctly affordable and accept all major insurance providers.

    person walking WV countryside during alcohol rehab WV,
    Our unique locations allow the idyllic West Virginia countryside to aid our recovery programs.

Will Insurance Cover the Cost of Your Alcohol Rehab?


Having mentioned costs, here we should also touch on our insurance coverage. As highlighted just above, we accept most major insurance plans, including:

In line with the Affordable Care Act and the Mental Health Parity And Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA), all plans must cover behavioral health treatment, mental and behavioral health inpatient services, and substance use disorder treatment. It is notable, however, that exact coverage will vary depending on your state, plan, and provider.

If your insurance provider does not cover the full cost of treatment, you may also consider other payment options, like:

  • Self-pay
  • Personal loan
  • Medicaid

Should you need additional information on payment options or anything else, feel free to give us a call at (855) 942-3797. Our representatives are available 24/7 to answer all of your questions and explore your financing options.

How Long Does Alcohol Rehab at Harmony Ridge Recovery Center WV Last?


Finally, we should be clear about the exact timeline of recovery that you should expect. Like all alcohol rehab centers in WV, we cannot pin alcohol rehab duration down to a specific number of days. Each journey to recovery takes its own time and strongly depends on the individual’s progress.

Programs may last anywhere between 1 to 3 months. Still, as we highlighted above, IOPs and other programs may last for up to 4 months. In addition, extended programs may last even longer.

How long rehabilitation takes will depend on the severity of each case. It will depend on your resilience and on our ability to meaningfully meet your needs. Needless to say, Harmony Ridge Recovery Center WV guarantees that our team will give you our best selves and our unyielding support.

girl doing yoga after her stay in alcohol rehab centers in WV
The journey to recovery is never short or easy, but freedom from addiction is always worth pursuing.

Contact Harmony Ridge Recovery Center WV & Take Control Of Your Life Today!


It is not easy to accept the crippling effects of addiction on our lives, and it’s even harder to accept to face them. The process may seem daunting, and you may feel the battle is already lost. However, we at Harmony Ridge Recovery Center WV are here to assure you that freedom from addiction is always worth pursuing. You and your loved ones deserve a fulfilling life, free from addiction, where you can thrive and prosper. If you’re ready to make this liberating leap forward, contact us today and let us craft a better future together.



Can addiction to alcohol be treated?

Yes. Alcohol addiction is very common in the eyes of the public, which has allowed alcohol rehab centers in WV to advance rapidly over the years. Today, there is a wealth of therapy types, treatments, and programs that have proven to be very effective in treating it.

All addictions to substances can be treated with the right programs and professional help, as long as there is a will to do so. As with every other addiction, the primary driver of success lies in your resolve to achieve and maintain sobriety.

How long does alcohol rehab last?

This is quite hard to quantify, as rehab duration can vary very significantly. The severity of every case differs, and so do programs and their own duration in turn. Co-occurring mental health disorders are not uncommon for alcohol addiction either, and those cases typically require longer treatment as well. Finally, there is the matter of how each individual progresses through withdrawal symptom management, therapy, and subsequent aftercare. This is why we stressed the significance of your own resolve just above.

Still, the typical alcohol rehab may last as long as the sum of its parts. If detox is required, it will typically last for one to two weeks. Rehab programs may last for a few months, typically one to four, but can vary rather significantly. Finally, the duration of aftercare programs will depend on their services.

How much does alcohol rehab cost?

Much like rehab duration, rehab costs can also vary very considerably. There are three key factors that will affect the final cost of your alcohol addiction treatment center experience, which you should bear in mind.

First, the cost will largely depend on the severity of one’s addiction and the programs they will need to attend. A simple detox, a brief rehab will cost significantly less than months-long inpatient programs and extensive psychotherapy, for instance.

The second factor, as highlighted above, lies in insurance coverage. Insurance plans will differ too drastically to address here, and their coverage will heavily affect the final price a patient will need to pay.

The third and final factor lies in simple prices across rehab centers. Sharon Burnom, CCAPP, MBA, MA, says it can cost “from $2,000 to $25,000 depending on the treatment and the facility”. says a 30-day drug detox can cost $250 to $800 per day; 3 months of outpatient care can cost $1,400 to $10,000; a 30-day intensive outpatient program can cost $3,000 to $10,000; residential treatment can cost $5,000 to $80,000.

We strongly suggest that you explore your insurance coverage, financing options, and treatment provider prices beforehand. If you do choose Harmony Ridge Recovery Center WV, our representatives will be at your disposal for this crucial step.

Can alcohol addiction be managed without treatment?

Typically, no. As with most addictions, alcohol addiction is often too hard to break free from without professional help. Milder cases might be manageable with a strong support network, conscious effort, and sheer willpower, but the majority of cases tend to require professional assistance from alcohol rehab WV facilities, such as ours, provide.

In general, alcohol addiction is harder to come to terms with. As alcohol is culturally more acceptable than other substances, even accepting that addiction exists may be challenging. Even if one does, withdrawal symptoms are also rather hard to manage and can endanger the individual. Finally, dual diagnoses and cases of concurrent substance use are not uncommon, which also makes self-treatment a monumental task. Thus, self-treatment is generally very ill-advised.

Which programs work best for alcohol addiction?

No specific programs have been shown to best cater to alcohol addiction in itself. Rather, it is the severity of addiction, outside duties, and other factors, common among all addictions, which typically determine the best programs for each case.

That being said, milder cases of alcohol addiction are often best treated with MAT, followed by an IOP. More severe cases tend to require Inpatient or PHP programs after MAT and may require longer IOPs

These are of course not universal but simple trend generalizations; what works best for you depends strictly on your own unique case and needs. There is no one-size-fits-all path to recovery, from addiction to alcohol or any other substance.

That said, longer stays have been found to be most effective. Studies find that a minimum of three months is necessary and advisable, with longer durations of up to eighteen months consolidating the program’s benefits.

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